What is Quick Change Hypnotherapy?
You may be familiar with the ‘traditional’ approach to hypnotherapy – a prolonged, gradual relaxation into what is usually a fairly light level of trance, followed by suggestions to deal with your problem? This may be repeated over several (or many more) sessions as part of your ‘course’ of therapy. Some people are very happy with this, others are frustrated by the slow rate of progress and high cumulative expense.
However, there is an alternative - Quick Change Hypnotherapy:
By using rapid induction and deepening techniques, we achieve a deeper level of trance. This is beneficial because certain issues respond better to a deeper trance. For example, phobias, weight loss and Type 1 insomnia (having a problem falling asleep) require a medium level, whilst PTSD, Type 2 insomnia (waking during your sleep) and age regression respond better to a slightly deeper level.
Trance is achieved quicker, leaving more time to concentrate upon the ‘therapy’.
The client’s own subconscious mind is employed in creating the solutions to the problem. Think about it – isn’t the solution more likely to be accepted and acted upon if it is generated by you rather than the therapist?
Because of the above, only a few sessions are normally necessary, sometimes only one or two! This means you get fixed faster and at less cost.
Good news – it can be equally effective face-to-face or online.
If you want to learn more facts about hypnotherapy then read on below. Decided it's for you? Phone 07919 056 142 or message now.
What is the hypnotic trance state?
The term "hypnosis" comes from the Greek word 'hypnos', meaning "sleep." Hypnotherapists use techniques that bring about deep relaxation (but not actually sleep!) referred to as the 'hypnotic state' or 'trance'. Researchers continue to debate whether hypnosis is actually an 'altered state of consciousness' or simply a different kind of thought processing. One definition of the hypnotic state is "the loss of the multiplicity of the foci of the senses". In other words, we sort of 'tune out' until we are focussing upon one sense in particular - hearing - through which we concentrate upon the suggestions imparted by the practitioner.
Trance is a natural and everyday situation and it could be argued that people are always in a trance of some sort. When someone watches a movie or plays computer games and gets very absorbed in what’s happening they go into trance, and may be very responsive to what’s happening on the screen. Even anger is a trance state! Recent research shows that a hypnotic trance is an accessing of the REM state, when the mind updates patterns of behaviour and can be thought of as the optimal learning state.
A person in a deep trance state is unusually responsive to an idea or image, but this does not mean that a hypnotist can control the person's mind and free will. On the contrary, hypnosis can actually teach people how to master their own states of awareness. By doing so, they can affect their own physical and psychological responses.
What is the difference between the conscious and subconscious minds?

It is useful to think of the human mind as consisting of two parts or layers. Think of the outer layer as our conscious mind which deals with our daily decision-making processes and as being intelligent, realistic, logical and proactive. The conscious mind uses rational thought to problem-solve and act, but is only able to deal with a very few things (maybe between 5-9) at any one time and is easily overloaded. When capacity is reached any additional information is stored away in the filing system of the subconscious mind.
By far the larger component of our mind is the subconscious (or unconscious) which is concerned with our emotions, imagination and memories as well as our autonomic nervous system which controls the functioning of our internal organs. In fact, the subconscious is dominant for 97% of our lives! The interlinking of these functions mean that the mind affects the body and vice versa.
For instance, your mental feeling of embarrassment can cause the physical process of blushing (where extra blood is diverted to the skin of your face and elsewhere). When a threat is perceived, your body reacts in a complex way which raises the blood sugar and metabolism to prepare the body for intense activity (the 'flight or fight' response). Similarly, long term stress is associated (via the sympathetic nervous system and immune systems) with inflammatory processes, especially in the digestive system. The body also affects the mind: the most well known example being intoxication with alcohol or mind-altering drugs which change mood, thought and behaviour.
When something happens to you, you learn a particular behaviour in response to what happened - neural pathways are formed. Each time something similar happens, your physical and emotional reactions attached to the memory are repeated. In some cases these reactions are unhealthy and repetition reinforces the suggestion, causing you disabilities, ailments or undesirable habits. Neural pathways can be eroded over time - unhelpfully if we forget how to speak a foreign language through disuse, or helpfully through hypnosis to rid ourselves of an unwanted behaviour.
Why would your subconscious mind give you habits and responses that are undesirable? Simply because it lacks a reasoning intelligence. All it wants for you is to try to keep you safe and work towards your highest positive intention - even if the way it goes about achieving these aims results in unhealthy or unhelpful consequences.
So how does hypnotherapy work for me?
Hypnotherapy is the means by which you can reprogramme or reset your old or unwanted behaviour patterns, or create new, more positive ones. Remember, these behaviours occur at the subconscious level - trying to use logic or willpower to change them is likely to be unsuccessful. In the hypnotic state, your subconscious mind accepts beneficial suggestions that allow you to change your attitude so that you can do the things you want to do - or not do the things you don't want to do. For example, you may wish to improve your confidence, self-esteem or your performance at work or playing sport. Or you you may wish to banish the smoking habit or conquer a fear of heights or spiders. Whatever you want to achieve, hypnotherapy can help.
Who can be hypnotised?
The answer to this question is “virtually everyone”, although some are more readily hypnotisable than others, and that it will also depend upon one’s willingness to be hypnotised at the time. This willingness will itself depend upon a number of factors, not least of which will be the strength of the person’s particular motivation to make change and their trust and confidence in the therapist concerned. We will expertly assess the client in order to match the style of the hypnotic induction, however the 'therapy' will be equally effective for all.
What happens in my hypnotherapy session?

We will discuss your particular requirements and reasons for enquiring about hypnotherapy over the phone before booking the first appointment – please note there is absolutely no obligation to proceed further if you are not entirely happy about the way forward. During our initial chat I will ask for some basic information which will allow me to prepare for the first treatment session and make the best use of the time.
During your first visit, I will take a more detailed case history and the background to the condition you would like to address. I will explain to you what hypnosis is and how it works. At this point we can agree the aims and desired outcomes of the hypnotherapy, including an estimate of the number of sessions that may be required. Some issues may be resolved in just one or two sessions, whilst others will require more.
What happens then will depend upon the client’s particular circumstances requirements and preferences. We may decide that you would benefit from a deep rapid induction into hypnosis followed by suggestions that will quickly bring about beneficial change. Or, you may prefer a progressive relaxation technique, followed by suggestions intended to change behaviours and relieve symptoms. Whatever approach is taken, it will be appropriate and agreed by you.
There are six commonly recognised levels of trance, from a very light trance that we all experience at the onset of sleep and waking up, to true somnambulism. For therapeutic purposes, we would expect to work at a level three or four trance depth in most cases.
We use integrative hypnotherapy - a safe, relaxing client-centred approach which also draws upon counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) - to bring about subconscious change to our thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
Where there are psychological causes inhibiting suggestion therapy, these may be uncovered using analytical hypnotherapy techniques. For example, regression may be used to guide you to remember the event that led to the first reaction, separate the memory from the learned behaviour, and replace unhealthy behaviours with new, healthier ones. You may also be taught the basics of self-hypnosis or other self-help tools and offered an mp3 download to use at home so you can reinforce what you learn during the session.
How many sessions will I need?
Sessions vary in length but may typically last about an hour to an hour and a half, with the first session being somewhat longer. The number of sessions required does, of course, depend upon the individual client and the type of issue being treated. Some issues, such as cessation of a moderate smoking habit or dealing with a simple phobia, can often be dealt with in a single session. We will monitor and evaluate your progress over time.
Hypnotherapy can be extraordinarily effective but it is not magic. However, if you are motivated to make the required changes and engage with the process, then all your (realistic) goals are achievable. I recommend that you contact me for an informal chat during which we can discuss your needs in more detail.
Contraindications for hypnotherapy
Although there are many areas in which hypnotherapy may bring relief, there are instances in which it may be contra-indicated. These could include some types of depressive illness, epilepsy, psychosis (e.g. schizophrenia), use of medications that could cause drowsiness or have a hypnotic effect and some breathing problems. In a small number of cases, therefore, you may be advised to seek the advice of your doctor before starting a course of hypnotherapy.
Are there any risks with hypnotherapy?
People are sometimes concerned that they will “lose control” in hypnosis. However, regardless of how deeply you may go in hypnosis and however passive you may appear to be, you actually remain in full control of the situation. You are fully able to talk if you wish to (or not, as the case may be) and you can stand up and leave the room at any time. Neither can you be made to do anything against your usual ethical or moral judgment or religious belief. It is likely that the notion of a loss of control stems from most people’s misconception of stage hypnosis, where participants are apparently made to perform all manner of (usually foolish) acts. However, participation in a stage act is an entirely voluntary process and every volunteer is completely aware of exactly what they are letting themselves in for!
What can hypnotherapy help with?
Hypnotherapy is well known as being successful in helping to quit smoking, manage eating to help lose weight and dealing with fears and phobias. The list (below) of issues that can benefit from hypnotherapy is far from exhaustive, so if you are unsure whether hypnotherapy can help with your issue, please contact us.
Panic attacks - manage the physical & emotional aspects
PTSD (safe help using REWIND technique)
Driving anxiety, driving test nerves - don't let nerves get in the way of learning to drive
Public speaking, presentation nerves - for a relaxed and confident performance
Exams, tests, interviews
Social anxiety disorder - feel relaxed in company
Stress management - tools and techniques for work and home life
Wedding nerves - be calm on the day and when giving speeches
Depression (mild) / low mood
Negative thoughts - recognise negative thinking and nip it in the bud
Relaxation techniques that you can use at home or at work
Dental phobia - don't suffer by avoiding dental treatment
Needle, injection, vaccination phobia
Illness anxiety disorder / somatic symptom disorder (hypochondria)
Fear of flying - our popular ASCENT course will get you flying confidently for business and pleasure
Fear of animals – birds, snakes, dogs, insects, etc.
Emetophobia - phobia / obsession about vomiting
Insomnia - types 1 & 2, disturbed sleep
Sleepwalking (parasomnia) with a non-organic cause
Moderate your drinking
Stammering & stuttering
Social media fixation
Stopping smoking - usually a single session is all it takes to stop smoking
Bedwetting (secondary nocturnal enuresis)
Hair-pulling (trichotillomania)
Skin-picking (excoriation)
Nervous Tics - vocal and motor
Tooth-grinding (Bruxism)
Nail-biting (onychophagia)
Hoarding disorder
OCD - tackle obsessive thoughts and rituals
Limerence (obsessive attachment to a particular person)
Emotional eating issues
Weight loss (inc. hypnotic gastric band)
Healthy eating, 'fussy eating', ARFID / SED
IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), indigestion
Obesity - hypnotic gastric band and weight management hypnotherapy can help
Dyspepsia (upper gut discomfort)
Self-esteem & confidence
Academic, study performance
Business workplace resilience
Accelerated learning
Procrastination problems
Exam & interview performance
Business performance
Speaking in groups, meetings, conferences, classrooms, presentation nerves
Sales motivation
Creativity, artistic performance, creative 'blocks'
Sports Performance, improving focus and concentration, e.g. golf ‘yips’
Pain management techniques, including hypnotic anaesthesia and analgesia
Psychosomatic / psychogenic chronic pain
Healing processes following surgery and childbirth
Tension headaches
Gender identity issues and challenges / gender dysphoria
Crossdressing, transvestism, feminisation hypnosis, acceptance, confidence & anxiety reduction
Psychosexual issues - low sexual drive, frigidity, impaired sexual arousal, dyspareunia, vaginismus, premature & retarded ejaculation, erectile dysfunction (temporary), sexual fetishes
Sexuality - identity, acceptance, confidence, resilience
Bereavement, loss, grief, divorce
Blushing, erythrophobia
Dyslexia - coping with having
Anger management
Skin disorders with a psychological cause (such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema)
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Dysautonomia (symptoms relating this ANS condition)
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Misophobia (selective noise sensitivity)
Alopecia areata
Urinary incontinence & bladder retraining
Surgery - preparation for and recovery from
Past life regression & recall, uncovering former lives and inter-life memories
Hypnobirthing - childbirth, ante-natal, post-natal, morning sickness, bonding with baby